Monday, October 13, 2008


So it turns out I'm really bad at doing this everyday!! I'm really busy right now (ugh, I'm so full of excuses) but I promise to have something interesting up here within the next 72 hours....maybe.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hello, world!

So other than the mandatory blogging that I do for my J100 class, and the occasional Myspace blog, this is the first real blogging I've ever done. Which seems odd considering I love writing, and I'm a journalism major...

So I've decided to embark into the magical world of blogging, with a topic that I actually enjoy and care about: fashion (shocking, I know).

My reason for blogging is more of a personal one: I really enjoy this topic, and need the practice with writing. My intent is not to become the next big Internet sensation (although that would be pretty cool), but rather just to enjoy myself.

So feel free to stay tuned to future posts...or not :)